Margaret McQuade tells how she drank to cope with the pain of an abusive relationship until a community addiction team helped put her on the road to recovery.
At her lowest point she was downing six litres of cider and a bottle of vodka a day.
She said: “I suffered mental health problems and anxiety, I developed pancreatitis and had my gallbladder removed. I’m sure it’s had lasting effects on my health but I tend not to dwell on it.”
But after finally seeking help from support service Addaction Scotland, she turned her life around and she now helps others beat addictions as a senior support worker at the same organisation which saved her life.
Margaret, 53, from Argyll and Bute, is helping to raise awareness of the need for funds for Addaction Scotland, which offers free support tailored to individuals in need.
She tries not to focus on the many years she lost through alcohol and how her health was ravaged – and sees how the difficulties have shaped her.
She said: “My past has moulded my future – I’m a better person.”
Margaret said: “My life experiences support me in the job. When you’ve got someone who’s suffered the trauma you can understand where they’re coming from.”
Growing up in Glasgow, Margaret remembers being surrounded by alcohol. Her late stepfather was a drinker – and she has unpleasant memories of him coming home drunk.
She said: “He was unemployed and every time he would come in you could smell it off him and there would be arguments.
My mother and step-dad had a volatile relationship.
“I lived in fear of what was going to happen next and was frightened about coming home. It affected me as a child and also my schooling.
“I had my first taste of alcohol when I was only about five years old. I remember I had a toothache and my stepdad rubbed whisky on it. It was a horrible taste – but he’d give me more and more to dull the pain.”
She moved from the trauma of her childhood to difficult relationships and became a mum herself at 18.
Her son and daughter are now in their 30s but Margaret struggled to raise them when she turned to booze to blot out her past and a relationship which she said left her living in fear.
She said: “I’d wait for him returning from the pub and I’d worry about any violence that was going to happen. The anxiety and fear was pretty immense.”
Margaret has tried to block out the beatings she says she received.
She said: “Police would take photos of the state of my face – but he’d ask me to drop charges, which I did many times. I thought at that time I loved him.”
She said: “When I was working as a job coach helping people with disabilities, I’d go to the pub on the weekend and drink my wages and then go home and worry about how I was going to survive the following week, and how I was going to look after the kids and make sure there was food in the house.
“At first I was mainly drinking in the evenings when the kids were in bed – but eventually I was drinking in the day as well. I was drinking as a coping mechanism. I was drinking two three-litre bottles of cider and a bottle of vodka in a day.
“I tried to take my own life a couple of times. I had such low self worth and was struggling with everyday life. I would always be in the house drinking. And then I’d wake up ill and vomiting. I really loved my children but when I look back they were neglected. The hangovers were terrible. I’d feel so guilty.”
But she didn’t feel strong enough to seek help for some time.
Margaret said: “It has to come from yourself – I wasn’t ready to take that support at first.”
Around 12 years ago, when her kids were still at home, she saw her GP and was referred to a local community addiction team and then on to Addaction Scotland.
It proved to be a lifeline and although it took time, her key worker helped her feel strong enough to eventually quit the booze and take back control of her life.
Margaret said: “It was terrifying. As I became sober, I was having to cope with the reality of how to deal with life. It was also the practicalities of how to manage bills and take control instead of letting things go.”
Now Margaret is keen to raise awareness that there’s free help available.
She said: “I’m a stronger person now. The past is in the past. I’m proof there is a way out.
“There are more than a million dependent drinkers just now in the UK and I guess some of them won’t know there are services available.”
Margaret was supported to apply for a college course in social care as she felt she wanted to help others. At college she had a placement with Addaction Scotland and then landed a job with them when she qualified.
She said: “Addaction as an organisation, the support they provide, the values and morals and ethics the organisation has – I wanted to be part of that and I wanted to give something back.”
She said: “For £50 you could give someone a one-to-one therapy session to help them resolve some of their underlying issues and £95 would pay for someone who is lonely and isolated to have a home visit.”
She knows how the service saved her life and she’s also seen how it’s helped others through her work.
She said: “I can think of three or four females who have come through the other end, where their lives were chaotic but now they’re amazing. That’s why I’m in the job – to help individuals.”
But Margaret plays down her own role, insisting that she’s not the one who is saving lives.
She said: “They’re the ones who save their own lives. We can only give them the tools. The hard work comes from them. It’s nothing to do with me – I’m just there to give that support.
“I don’t think I would be here without Addaction Scotland. I would have taken my own life if it got worse but I made it and I came out the other end.”
Now she enjoys spending time with her grandchildren.
She said: “I really appreciate that I’m here as I so easily might not have made it.
“My own kids might have missed out but it’s an opportunity to spoil the grandchildren. I love them all dearlyand they keep me going.
“When I think back it was like I was in a type of bubble back then, it wasn’t real.
It feels like it was another life.
“It could happen to anyone. It doesn’t have to be because of abuse – isolation and boredom can be triggers.
“But I’m living proof you can come out the other side.”
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