Monday 5 June 2017

20 Perfect Tiny Tattoos That Everyone Will Love

So, to show you just what I mean, I'm back with Vol. 2 to keep this originality flowing. Let's see all the additional places and things you can have tattooed on a tiny scale.  

1. Ooo matching tiny tatties. 

tumblr | rbrtsn

2. Not totally tiny, but totally cute. 

Iconosquare | @samanthamancino

3. Tucked away. 

Iconosquare | @ueti__2

4. I love this. 

16 Spoiled Kids Who Don't Know How Good They Have It

Imgur | theonlynik
We all want the best for our offspring. We want to give them everything they want, everything we didn't have so that they can have the greatest springboard possible into this big, scary, amazing thing called life. We pull all the stops and get them the biggest, most interactive toys to help their cognitive development and the shiniest phones and gadgets so that they can properly socialize with their peers and a fancy new car so that they can experience freedom AND responsibility together, growing them into a perfectly balanced human being, poised to take over the world. BUT, one of the most important lessons one needs to learn in life is that you don't always get what you want. The word "no" exists for a reason, people. Teach it to your kids, or they might end up like these soon-to-be-sixteen-and-pregnant junior dickheads!

1. This should be punishable by death!

Imgur | Shujenkins

2. "Dammit, he's right, they're white!" –Cops, probably

reddit | classylionking

3. DAVE! You're back!

4. Should be required reading in all prep schools!

Imgur | KidCadi

Ex-BBC presenter Julie Wadsworth's lawyer says "it's unusual to have sex with people half your age unless you're Joan Collins"

The radio presenter and her husband are accused of encouraging seven boys to take part in sexual activity
Julie Mayer and Tony Wadsworth arrive at the Warwickshire Justice Centre
The lawyer of a former BBC radio presenter accused of encouraging seven boys to take part in sexual activity has said that it's unusual to have sex with people half your age "unless you are Joan Collins or the President of France."
Julie Wadsworth, 60, and her husband Tony Wadsworth, 69, are accused of encouraging seven boys to take part in sexual activity from 1992 to 1996.
Today Mrs Wadsworth's lawyer said it was "unusual" to have relations with men half your age.
He then went on to say although some may find her actions as "abhorrent" she was being tried for "criminal offences not her morals."
Mr Wadsworth's defence barrister described the couple's sexual experiences in the bushes in woodlands near Atherstone golf course as "their own private moment" and not the actions of a "seedy Soho club."
Julie Wadsworth lawyer said it was unusual to have relations with people half your age
Jurors were also told Mrs Wadsworth was a "professional public figure" and not the "salacious and predatory" woman she had been painted out to be.
Instead she had merely been "foolhardy" and "stupid" after being "flattered by the thought that young men found her attractive", it was claimed.
The golf club near the woodlands where the radio presenters were accused of engaging boys in sexual activity
David Hislop QC, defending Mrs Wadsworth, said: "The prosecution seek to persuade you that this was a woman who forged her career on the twang of a stocking.
"Why are they trying to force you to have this tabloid view of Julie Wadsworth as opposed to trying her on the hard evidence?
"The calendar was an idea that was modelled off the original Calendar Girls.
"You are entitled to ask yourselves, why are the prosecution doing this?
Knob Hall, the former residence of Tony and Julie Wadsworth
"It is a cheap attempt to paint Julie Wadsworth as a salacious and predatory as opposed to a very professional public figure.
"In the case of the calendar to raise money for charity.
"One can almost hear the scraping of the bottom of the barrel by the prosecution.
"Julie Wadsworth's husband described her as damaged and you might think he is probably right.
"Not criminal, damaged, and there is a very important distinction.
"We are trying this woman on her criminal offences not her morals.
"Some may find it abhorrent that she would engage in sexual activity with men half her age.
"She was a damaged, incomplete soul because of her past.
"Unless you are Joan Collins or the President of France it is very unusual to have a relationship with a man half your age, but it does happen.
The woodland area near Atherstone golf club
"It is notoriously difficult to gauge age in the heat of the moment.
"She was flattered by the thought that young men found her attractive.
"She has undoubtedly been fool-hardy and undoubtedly been stupid but if she genuinely believed they were of age then she has a right to be found not guilty."
He told the court one of the alleged victims only had fond memories of his relationship with Mrs Wadsworth - who worked for BBC Leicester and BBC WM.
He added: "He tried to wreak revenge on a woman he was clearly obsessed with, wreak revenge because she continued to reject him.
"We have independent proof that the first time they worked together was in 1997, when he would have been 17.
Julie Wadsworth's husband described her as damaged
"The learned prosecutor got it wrong again when she said Julie Wadsworth didn't care about the age of the men.
"She was foolhardy but what she doesn't have is the propensity to have sexual contact with underage boys."
Michelle Clarke, defending Mr Wadsworth, said her client had allowed one boy into their private moment but stopped going to the woods in Atherstone, Warks., when they saw "common sense."
She added: "One thing that we can be sure about is that Tony Wadsworth adores Julie.
"Julie Wadsworth does not adore Julie Wadsworth. She trained as a dancer and part of training is to look at yourself in the mirror.
"When Tony Wadsworth met her she was damaged goods. The calendar they were part of was sanctioned by the BBC.
Mrs Wadsworth denies 12 charges of indecent assault against seven boys under 18
"Tony met Julie by chance and he was bowled over by her. He was taking on a young mother with a young son.
"It helps her to have a bit of outdoor hanky panky as she described it. In the moment they decided to let (one of the boys) into their private moment.
"What changed was when three young men turned up, common sense kicked back in. What do they do, they stop going to the Outwoods.
"They didn't want to be in front of everyone else it was their own private moment. They didn't want to demonstrate in front of others like some seedy Soho club."
Mrs Wadsworth denies 12 charges of indecent assault against seven boys aged under 18 between September 1992 and August 1999.
Her husband denies ten charges of the same offence.
The pair also deny five counts of outraging public decency between July 1992 and June 1996.
The trial of the couple, from Broughton Astley, Leics, who are known as the Richard and Judy of local radio, continues.
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Ariana Grande joined on stage by supportive boyfriend Mac Miller as they perform at One Love Manchester

The couple did a duet
Ariana Grande was joined on stage by her supportive boyfriend Mac Miller on One Love Manchester.
The rapper was seen meeting her off the plane as she landed back in the US after the suicide bombing at her concert.
He was there to comfort her.
And tonight, he joined her on stage in Manchester for a rendition of The Way.
The crowd went wild as the pair performed the duet, and were treated to another with Dang!
The couple went down a storm.
Ariana was joined on stage by her supportive boyfriend Mac Miller
They did two songs together
Mac has been there for her throughout this difficult time
It was a real treat for fans
Ariana returned to the stage solo earlier tonight.
The pop star hadn't performed live since a bombing claimed lives at her concert in Manchester two weeks ago.
But tonight, the star made a triumphant return to the spotlight as she took centre stage at her One Love Manchester benefit concert.
Ariana was introduced onto the stage by her manager Scooter Braun, who said it was two years ago today that she first played in Manchester.
She took to the stage with Be Alright, wearing her "One Love Manchester" jumper and smiling at the crowd before joining hands with her dancers.
She joined hands with her dancers
She sent a strong message to her fans
Her jumper bears the "One Love Manchester" slogan
She looked happy to be back on stage
He said she called her and said that she couldn't live with herself if they did nothing following what happened at her gig.
The star-studded One Love Manchester benefit concert was organised by Ariana to raise money for those affected by the Manchester terror attack.
22 people were killed and more than 100 injured when a suicide bomber detonated his device in the foyer of the Manchester Arena at the end of Ariana's concert on Monday, May 22.
The crowd went wild for Ariana
She was introduced by her manager Scooter Braun
The crowd sang along with her
Ariana organised the concert
It's been an emotional night so far
Ariana, 23, postponed the remainder of her Dangerous Woman Tour and flew back home to Boca Raton, Florida the day after the atrocity, but immediately vowed to return for a benefit concert in aid of those affected by the bombing.
She said: "I’ll be returning to the incredibly brave city of Manchester to spend time with my fans and to raise money for the victims and their families."
Ariana said music is something that should heal and bring people together, and she wanted One Love Manchester to be a "safe space" for her fans and music lovers to come together.
"From the day we started putting the Dangerous Woman Tour together, I said that this show, more than anything else, was intended to be a safe space for my fans," she said.
Robbie had the crowd in tears
Ariana did a duet with Black Eyed Peas
"A place for them to escape, to celebrate, to heal, to feel safe and to be themselves. To meet their friends they’ve made online. To express themselves.
"This will not change that."
“When you look into the audience at my shows, you see a beautiful, diverse, pure, happy crowd. Thousands of people, incredibly different, all there for the same reason, music.
“Music is something that everyone on Earth can share.
“Music is meant to heal us, to bring us together, to make us happy.
“So that is what it will continue to do for us."
Coldplay gave an emotional performance
Katy Perry
Organisers hope to raise at least £2m toward the We Love Manchester Emergency Fund. All the artists are performing for free while concert promoter Live Nation has underwritten the cost of the event.
There had been speculation the One Love Manchester concert could be cancelled in the wake of Saturday night's terror attack in London, but Ariana's team said on Sunday morning the show would go ahead with "greater purpose" now.
Ariana's manager Scooter Braun said: "After the events last night in London, and those in Manchester just two weeks ago, we feel a sense of responsibility to honor those lost, injured, and affected.
"We plan to honor them with courage, bravery, and defiance in the face of fear. Today's One Love Manchester benefit concert will not only continue, but will do so with greater purpose.
"We must not be afraid and in tribute to all those affected here and around the world, we will bring our voices together and sing loudly. I am pleased to say we have the full support of Greater Manchester Police and the government and are assured the safety of all those attending is the highest priority.
Take That and Robbie joined hands for a bow
50,000 people were there
"All artists involved have been unwavering in their support this morning and are determined to carry on with the show. We ask the strong city of Manchester and the world to join us in making the statement that hatred and fear will never win. Today we stand together."
Fans who had attended the original Ariana concert on May 22 were entitled to apply for free tickets to the event.
Ticketmaster set aside 14,200 free tickets to go to those survivors of the May 22 attack who felt up for going to the benefit gig. Unfortunately, the site was hit by thousands of fraudulent claims when would-be touts registered for the free tickets despite having already sold on their original tickets via secondary sites or private sales.
This meant Ticketmaster has spent the last three days verifying the genuine fans desperate to get their free tickets and throwing out applications from chancers hoping to make a quick buck .
All the tickets to the gig made available to the public were sold out within six minutes of going on sale at 10am on Thursday 1 June.